In the beginning of 1934, friend Srii T.R. PadmanAbhier showed me a letter that he received from Mahatma Gandhi.   I was very happy to see it.  Mahatma was supposed to visit Madurai in a few days.  Mahatmaji had written to Sri Padmanabhier to come and meet him.  Sri Padmanabhier went to meet Mahatmaji.  Mahatmaji permitted him to recite chapters 3 ,4, and 5  of Bhagavad Gita in the morning prayer.  When leaving after the prayer, he said  “Remarkable pronunciation”.  Mahatmaji let him sit in his presence in the  upstairs room where he was staying and to recite the complete Bhagavad Gita and he was listening to it when performing his works.  My friend recited for over an hour and received his blessing.

Bhagavad Gita is the foremost scripture of Hindu religion.  Every Hindu should read this book.  Even though of Hindu scriptures, it is a rare book that preaches beyond caste, religion, country and time.  

Mahatma Gandhi had great devotion for Bhagavad Gita.  And he recited at least two or three chapters of it in daily prayers and the whole of it once a month.  He looked up to Gita as his mother.  He found refuge in Gita whenever he had any doubt, confusion, suffering or danger.  Gita was the wayshower in any situation.  The basic teaching of Gita is surrendering to God as a renunciate of all attachments.  Mahatmaji’s life was the epitome of its explanations.

Anyone who has even a small introduction or knowledge of Gita will know it.  It gives so much confidence, strength, consolation and peace!  Whatever occupation or status anybody in, has been reaping these benefits.

People of Satyagraha movement used to carry a book of Gita with them.  Sri Padmanbhier read all the 700 slokas and wrote verses of his own.  As soon as he was released, he learnt it in depth with great interest.  He tried in many ways to spread its preachings.

In 1943 in Gita sapthAham there was a continuous recitation of Gita in Madurai.  People in groups did a marathon of reading non-stop which people watched with happiness.  Those who witnessed it in person, even if they could not participate, took interest in learning it.

It is not easy to conduct sapthAham every year. Yet it is being done every year.  Hundreds of men and women participate in it.  All these are happening due to the initiation of Sri Padmanabhaier.

And also in the month of MArgazhi Sri Padmanabhaier instructs Gita in a couple of places.

Thousands of people reap the benefits.  Lot of women have memorized the original Sanskrit. Some have memorized Bharathi’s translation of Tamil.  It has given solace and comfort leading to happiness to a lot of people.  

In the 9th convention of Sourashtra Brahmins, Sri.  Padmanabhaier was awarded the name of ‘Gita AshtAvadhani’ for his knowledge and devotion.

His wish is that a lot more of thousands should recite and realise the Gita.  Any book when written in native tongue will be of help to read better and especially to women.  So Padmanabhaier translated Gita in Sourashtra in a limited edition.  Rare is vocabulary access in this language, and yet demands a great talent to bring the depth of meaning of each verse.

He has adopted many original words of sanskrit.  The origin of Sourashtra is Sanskrit.  So it is not lessening the value of the translation.  Instead it is adding to the beauty and perfection.

He read all the 18 chapters in front of many friends.  Whoever listened to it praised it with happiness.  Later I was happy to hear him recite several of the chapters two times.  I really appreciated his devotion, effort and skill in making it sound very authentic like the original.

Because of Sri Padmanabhaier’s translation, the Gita is becoming prevalent.  I pray that people will benefit from his service.

Madurai                    N.M.R.Subbaraman(M.L.A.)



Last modified: Sunday, 8 August 2021, 12:56 AM